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Sunday, May 10, 2015

***C4 Tuesday & Thursday 7, 8 class, post your second writing here***

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  4. Creation of the Universe
    To begin with I want to state that I’m an atheist and I do not believe in Big Bang theory. As an intelligent being, we tend to believe any kind of phenomenon based on scientific proof and therefore Big Bang theory is the most reliable theory at the moment. But what is a Big Bang theory? It starts from the question that why there is universe. Why there is anything rather than nothing? There must have been a cause of universe. Big Bang theory represents origin of the universe, energy, space, time and all the other physical things came into being at the Big Bang. To put if briefly, Big Bang theory simply means universe came from nothing and by nothing. Surely that doesn’t make sense scientifically because out of nothing, nothing comes. There must have been a cause which brought the universe into a being. As an atheist I believe neither god nor Big Bang theory and I believe there is more logical theory to be found. I would like to hear comments from y’all and you are more than welcome to comment other views to support your belief.

    1. Partially same as you. I don't know much about scientific theories about universe, but there are lots of unexplainable things in here. I think this topic is just like an UFO theory. We can't explain this object exactly because they have so many unexplainable things like their movements and flying patterns. Researchers say that they don't bothered by gravity and any energy in the earth so they can fly as Zigzag or S pattern. Can you imagine this? But this is also just an theory. Like this, It seems it is impossible and useless to explain scientifically at least now...

    2. The universe has expanded since it created. Scientist Hubble claimed the theory of expanding universe. We can guess If we go back to starting points of the universe, material supposed to be certain chunk. I took a class about "complex systems". That theory starts from chaos. And the key points of complex system is "chaos also have some kinds of order". There is a a lot of things to be discover. But still bingbang theory is the most reliable and ideal theory of the universe.

    3. My point is where did the chaos came from. like you said chaos got to be composed with certain materials that arent found so far such we call dark matter that consist appx 97percent of the universe. My point is where did that chaos matter came from? We can't drag it too far concept and idea of infinite does not exist in the real world and its against the law of nature. Plus even though there was a certain material existed to bigbang chance to make life existing universe is vanishingly small that any constants such as gravity, balance between matter and anti matter goes wrong as 1/10^100, any life couldnt have been existed. All the matters, balances, systems are too accurate to be coincidence they are called the fine tuning and I had to say bigbang theory itself is hard to call the most reliable theory since its cause and the theorom doesnt prove anything.

    4. I was once a Christian ("once" seems kinda funny right?). I used to believe that there was a God who created the universe and everything was created by his hands. However, now as an atheist myself, think that there really can't be a certain conclusion to this question. People around the world believe in all sorts of things. It probably is up to that one person whether to believe this world was created by a super being or by scientific facts. It is questionable that this universe came from 'nothing'. I believe there are countless things that are yet to be unfold.

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  6. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
    There is something that needs to be done. Would you begin now or later? Some of you procrastinate and say "l´ll do it later because I work better under pressure." But have you heard this proverb "If you don't walk today you will have to run tomorrow."? The meaning of this proverb is that we postpone something that we do today we have to work harder tomorrow. It is always a good idea to get an early start on anything that needs to be done. Whatever the work may be an early start will make sure that you have enough time to finish what you need to do. And if you keep procrastinating, you may find yourself in a situation where you have very little time to complete your work which can leads you to low productivity. There is no actual relation between efficiency of work and prepare/do work in advance but usually at least beginning your work early is much better than beginning your work late at the aspect of result. Although I could tell you that one is better than the other it really depends on you.
    If you were to begin now or later, which would you choose?

    1. I tend to start work early when I have more time to think about the ideas. From my experience doing works before deadline gives me a lot of pressure and it often leads to many mistakes and less creative thinking. I usually review my works a couple times and each and every time I find mistakes so I start work early and bring it until the deadline. This way takes much more time and more stressful but I rather do it that way to make less mistakes.

    2. I usually make a habit of doing my works early when i have enough time. If I do everything at the last moment and under pressure, i can't leave myself time to produce my best work. We have to end up doing things in a rush, then feel far worse. I think it could become a vicious circle for us. So i think it's better to start work when i'm in plenty of time for the effectiveness of work and productivity.

    3. I would definitely want to begin now but this is my dream that naver came true. In my reality, I always start my work right before the deadline. Even though I want to start early and get fixed step by step, it actually never been better than waiting until the last minute. When I start my work that has deadline and if start right before the deadline, it boosts me to work faster and I can focus on my work better. So, from my head I know that I have to start early and get done, but my behavior would prefer to start later.

    4. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
      I'm interested that everyone has his or her own habit of doing job. It really doesn't matter the time you start your job if it could be done before due date. Whatever it may be an early start will make sure that you have enough time to finish what you need to do but sometimes though it´s alright to wait awhile and may just work under pressure. No matter what your style is I hope you have satisfactory result at your work.

    5. I'm the person who is doing work just before the due date. It is my old habbit which I want to overcome. If I start my work earlier I can think about the task deeper and have enogh time to do it perfectly. People who likes to do work under pressure might think it is more effective way to do work faster. But they can't deny that quality and completeness of work is worse than doing it before the due date.

    6. To be honest, I leave most of my work to the last minute. But on a positive note, I tend to finish them (not perfectly, though) on time and well. But I know for sure if you can get a head start on any activity or assignment you're given, you shouldn't waste it. I am trying everyday to overcome this laziness and be free of procrastination!

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  8. Euthanasia is the deliberately killing of a person for the benefit of that person. In most cases, it carried out because the person who dies ask for it, but there are other instances of euthanasia where the patient can't make such a request. Euthanasia has been a much debated topic for many years.
    People raises opposing perspectives about euthanasia. Those in favor of euthanasia say that the act of life-prolonging by constraint violates the patient's dignity. And they think it is a virtuous act of bringing peace. On the other hand, the people who opposed to euthanasia say that it is an act of killing for another peroson to end the life of a terminally ill patient by artifical means.
    In this respect, euthanasia is in direct conflict with religious and ethical traditions supported by society and there has been a long-standing debate on whether euthanasia should be legalized. Actually I think euthanasia is acceptable if the patient deems it necessary and sometimes euthanasia can also mean a mercy killing.
    What are your views on Euthanasia? Are you for or against?

    1. Physician assisted suicide is currently legalized in Oregon, Washington state and Netherlands and I strongly support this. Patients sustaining life on medical instruments are living in pain what normal people can't imagine. People are born with rights that are written on constitution. We have right to maintain dignity and not to suffer from distress. People have right to choose their life and if a person commit a suicide it's not against the law. Government doesn't charge a person for committing a suicide and illegalizing euthanasia is like government is in control of human's life and death. Life of living thing is a right not an obligation and therefore I think I can give up my right on my body.

    2. I also think this must be legal for patients who are suffering from severe pain. Let's try to walk in our shoes. You are a patient who have consciousness but can't control any part of your body. Do you want to prolong your life?. Well, I think I will not if I'm in that case. It seems hard to bear watching my family who take care of me. I would rather die than watching them suffer from me. This kind of patients also have rights to choice their life and to be respected their choice. And this choice is not just for the patients but also for the other members of their family.

    3. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
      Have you heard the phrase "slippery slope"? It's a process or series of events that is hard to stop or control once it has begun and that usually leads to worse or more difficult things. Although there could be many arguments against euthanasia I'd like to talk as an aspect of slippery slope. Voluntary euthanasia is the start of a slippery slope that leads to involuntary euthanasia and the killing of people who are thought undesirable. As you know there is a huge difference between killing people who ask for death under appropriate circumstances and killing people without their permission. However if we change the law and accept voluntary euthanasia we won't be able to keep it under control I think.

  9. Have you heard of the news about a new law? Recently, all news were about MERS. All media took attention on MERS so there was little information about this law that I'm going to talk about. Korea government brought this law about surveillance over digital devices including phones and computers. It means that government is getting the authority to access one's own personal device, and right to look over them.
    It was said that many other countries who were once attacked by terrorists, like America, France, Germany ets, had already applied that laws. The right to record and monitor mobiles are officially authorized by law. I also heard that Germany is sharing their database with America, but I do not know that for sure. Anyway, when I first heard about this new, I thought it was a nonsense. Thought of someone could actually access into my private information just made me feel like naked. It's not like I'm a criminal or have something to hide from anyone, but I hate the feeling of someone is capable of peeking into my own private space. However, as I get to know more about it, the purpose of this law is to catch criminals and spies. Since Korea is under armistice, it is essential to take care of spies and I do think that this laws would can be a help to both cases. But it has its weeknesses, too. Because it is controlled by human, someone could always manipulate the data if that person wants to. There can be possibilities of wrong usage of data. Secondly, this is my personal opinion but what if the government gets attacked, and lose all the data? I'm not so sure they won't be attacked or would they be able to take care of it afterward. I heard that law hasn't passed yet, and I think people should pay more attention to it.

    1. I also think it's a little uncomfortable thing, but It can be conceded if the government use our private data just for monitoring our health. Medical field asks many individual data to check out the person's health from blood type to other details. So if we doubt about out body, we have to cooperate with the government at least now. However if we find out that the data flows to other fields or used in different way, we have to make them take legal responsibility clearly.

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  11. installing cctv in kindergartens?
    Recently, There were some bad incidents that teachers in kindergartens did violence to their children. The teachers punished and the government decided to pass the law that enabling intalling cctv in kindergartens so people can monitor all situations in there. Many parents also agreed this law because they can't relax whether their children protected safely or not. But can this law really protect children from violence of teachers? Well, I don't think so.
    I think the government is finding a solution in a wrong field. The cause of these incidents is abusive teachers, not a lack of cctv. This problem will happen again if there is a teacher such that kind of cruel people. They can take children outside where there is no cctv and do such bad things if they want to. It is more important that how we can stain out that kind of people and educate the people who want to be a teacher. If we don't solve this problem first, installing cctv will be just a waste of money.
    In other word, the solution of this problem is not an existence of cctv, but the teacher's character and work ethic. We have to find way to improve teachers' character and prevent violent behavior in kindergartens.
    What do you think of this guys?

    1. I'm with your idea that ultimate solution should be pointing at teachers not cctv. On the other hand educating teachers doesn't get better in one day it takes time. I believe setting up cctvs can reduce such crimes somewhat and also it relieves parents' concern whose children still need to go to kindergartens. I think cctv is a good temporary expedient.

    2. I also agree with your idea. The fundamental problem is the personality of teachers who mistreat children. We have to educate and verify people who wants to be a teacher thoroughly. But it takes time to change and improve people so I think cctv is also be a immediate solution for prevent abusement on children. It is hurt that teachers who really care about their children also criticized by people and exprience inconvenience because of some bad teachers.

    3. I also agree with your opinion. Some people claim that punishment makes it easier for them to manage their classrooms. But I think it's not the best way and it's not as effective as many people believe. They should apply non-physical disciplinary measures as an alternative to beatings when dealing with kids. For example, we can ask the misbehaving child to perform additional academic work. Children will learn respect by being respected.

    4. I think you are just on right track. As you mentioned, I also think the problem is teacher's behavior not a lack of cctv. It is hard believe that the government blamed that kindergarten issues on CCTV. Increasing cctvs in all kindergartens and make parents to monitor their childern while they are working during middle of the day?? Why the parents have to watch their kids outside? The reason that the parents are sending their children is because they want to feel safe when their children are in kindergarten. So here is some solutions that I think of. First, there should be an inspector coming every once a month or once a half year. What they need to do is to watch some classes and having an interview with kids asking few questions about teachers and classes and it has to be one to one of course. Second, all kindergartens have to get a certification or license that government issued like a sticker. Once they get the sticker, they have to put on the front door so everybody can see it.

    5. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
      We are all heard the horror of children being mistreated at kindergarten and in this situation installing CCTV could be one solution to combat child abuse at kindergarten. However surveillance cameras cannot solve everything. As you already mentioned what if abusers take the child to a place where no cameras are installed? To bring about a fundamental change, we need to hire fully qualified individuals at kindergarten. And for that we need quality jobs with good working conditions.

    6. I think our government does this a lot. They don't care for fundamental problems but busy covering things that happening right now. I agree that it is abusive teachers that this kind of incident happened. I also think that it is because recruitment in kindergartens is too easy. It requires heavy responsibility because kindergarten care-takers can influence children in either positive or negative way. I think government should set the punishment more heavily, and set higher standard for applying to kindergarten.

    7. I saw a news that analyze that accident. It says, the reasons of this accident are first, there are many kindergarten teachers who are not well-educated with pedagogy. Some teachers get a certification from cyber university very fast and easily and people who learned in that way, can cause problems. Second, kindergarten teacher’s salary is very low compare to their working hour. So they are mentally stressed and it could make them angry easily, and that anger go to children. So as you mentioned, installing cctv cannot be a drastic solution. But I think by installing CCTV, it could relieve many parents’ concern. Actually, many parents want to do that. So I agree with that CCTV cannot be a drastic solution, but I think it’s not that bad idea.

    8. I believe that punishment is not the key to good education. In fact, punishment can lead to very bad behavior of a child. Instead, people should be able to chill out and teach (or raise) children in the best manner. And I've always wondered...if you're a kindergarten teacher teaching little kids but cannot tolerate their attitudes, why are you a kindergarten teacher? Hmm...

    9. At the present way to progress in korea , we can not join the rank of developed country. Our teaching curriculum focus only exam, and we ignore other subjcet like ethics. We grew up in these conditions and we will teach our next generation. We have to break this bad cycle. Our most important job is give Healthy body and sound mind to next generation. Exam or grade things are the next.

  12. If you're strongly passionate about something you want to do, but you're not going to make a lot of money, would you still do it? It would be an easy question if what you decided on for your future can provide you with both wealth and satisfaction. However, choosing between what you love to do and what you should do is an everyday challenge for most university students.
    If you simply cannot afford to do the thing you are passionate about, such as feeding your family, or even yourself, would it be a good idea to keep pursuing on it? Let me tell you, I'm not trying to crush anyone's dreams, but reality is what it is. I even spent a few years not being able to grasp myself.
    For those who are still in the middle of struggling to find and seek your future, I recommend that you do what you think is right - no matter what anybody says. Simply put, only you can make up your own life story.
    As we all are in similar states at our lives, what are your opinions? Is going to be money or satisfaction that will give you happiness in life?

    1. For me, I choose what I love without hesitating. If you do what you love to do and do it harder than how others do, without a doubt you can make money afford to live. In the case my background idea is money worth not chasing. One lecture I took in our school by Dr. Kang Shin Joo, a philosopher was asked by a student saying she loves playing violin but she's not majoring in music and it's high maintenance so she was considering if she has to continue. Answer was she should quit because she doesn't love violin enough and it's not her vocation. If a person loves something for his or her life, quitting is not an option. If can't make money to chase one's dream they would part-time work to pay expense. So my bottom line is I do what I love to do and I'm happy.

    2. In my opinion, I want to choose what I love even if I can't make lots of money. Recently I have to think about my path because I have graduation ahead. After long consideration, I decided to take the job that I feel happiness and accomplishment. I will earn more money if I choose other jobs but maybe, I will be unendurable. I prefer to be happy than be a rich. But I also belive if I love something and have passion about it, I can make success in my feild and money will follow naturally.

    3. Although many say making less money doesn’t matter when it comes to passions and dreams, it will be a problem when we face realistic problems. Money may not directly buy happiness, but I think it is an important factor in satisfaction with quality of life. This is a sad reality, but it is true. But i think if a job is worth doing at all to me, some kind of sense can be made of it. So I just want to keep in mind the ultimate meaning of my work when i face that problem.

    4. This is hard question. Simply, I would definitely choose both but if i have to choose one between my salary and satisfaction, I will be realistic as i have to go through this tough world. In reality, I need to certain amout of money to get married, raise my childern, and pay taxes ect. How much money should we have to take care of all that things? I am not saying that we should make huge money and be a rich. There is no such a thing that the poor can be a rich in this present world. Prices are keep increasing thesedays. What I want is to live normal. If I want to live normal just like others right now, I have to pick the company who pays me more.

    5. I don't agree that money is not related to happiness. At one time, I prepared for music university entrance examination. guitarist was my dream when I was high school student. but I abandoned that dream and I chose business administration. my family is not wealthy and majoring music cost a lot of money. also guitarist is very uncertain job. I'm the first born son, so I have to take responsibility for my family someday. Now, I'm playing guitar as a hobby, but I don't regret that decide.

    6. It is always sad to chooes between dream and reality. Why can't we just pursuing our dream? But when we face the reality, It is not easy to say "just do it". We have to think about our life like housing, education espenses loan, marriage and ect. Salary, which means money can provide you stability and chance to do your dream as a hobby maybe. But dream can't feed you.

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  14. Do you heard about a british girl who pictured with a sign which says 'Fun gifts for boys'? She looks really angry in that picture. She complained to the market about the sign and market made a formal apology for it. Do you think the girl was overacting? I don't think so. There are sexisme even in toys or movies. People usually consider robots are for boys and dolls are for girls. Most of parents don't buy robots for their daughters even though there are lots of girls who like legos, robots or toy guns for fun. And movies that made by production like Marvel, people think those things are romance of men. But a large number of girls and women enjoy that kind of movies and support the marke by watch movies or buy products of it. On the other hand, there are boys who like dolls or movies made by Disney and it is not awkward thing at all. We have to stop deviding by gender and respect individual's preference. And I think it will get better if we start to take an action like the girl who stand up for inequality. How do you think of this topic?

    1. I'm totally with you. I saw that photo and read an article about it. It is common idea that boys play with robot and girls play with dolls, but even if it is common and taken for granted, society should set the standard of what it is to be like a girl or a boy. People's preferences are depended on individual's interest, not by gender. Also I hate being told what to do or not to do just because I'm a female. I hope people should know that judging someone by it's gender is also a discrimination.

  15. About three years ago, Gachon university made smoking areas in campus. Of course, smoking is bad for our health and passive somking is serious social problem. But every smokers have their own right as every non-smokers have. The university decided smoking areas without discussing with smokers. The university has twenty-five smoking areas but in smoking areas have only ‘smoking area’ banner. non-smoker’s passive smoking is biggest problem, so smoking areas have to have windshield. And smoker’s flow traffic is also problem. But The university doesn’t care about these problems. They just made ‘formal’ smoking areas. So many non-smokers have to breathe cigarette somke against their will. Also smokers have many problem. They can’t smoke during a break because smoking areas are too far and many non-smokers made a gesture to smokers when smokers are smoking in smoking area. As a result, not only non-smokers lose their own right, but also smokers are standing on the edge of a cliff. This is an obvious problem. What is your opinion about these problems? Are they managing these problems well?

    1. Extremely agree! Actually as a (almost)non smoker, I really don't like the smell of smoking area, and I have to smell smoke everyday when I pass the smoking area beside of gachon university station 1st exit. Many smokers have no place to smoke so they concentrate somewhere, and the smell becomes worse. University must build many small room spaces in front of every building. I think Gil-yeo has enough property to build them if she had money to set up a statue. (you know, the statue in front of 가천관)

    2. I’m non-smoker but I agree with you. Just saying “do not smoke” is not a good idea. Smokers’ right is hot issue nowadays. Smokers insists that the policies about smoking only care about non-smokers. So I think we need a many infrastructure for smokers, such as making smoking zone that has good air ventilation system as many as possible. I heard that even smokers don’t like other smoker’s smoke whiff and smell. That’s why good facilitation is needed. The unconditional restriction of smoking zone is not only Gachon University’s problem. Smokers‘ right should be protected as non-smokers’ right. If not, it will keep make problem and argue between smokers and non-somkers will never end.

  16. How many times do you spend for SNS in a day? Nowadays, many people are dominated by SNS, and spending a lot of time in it. When we look our newsfeed, we can often see the people who are doing weird things. Some people might think they are funny, and some are not. Because of those things, “digital münchausen syndrome is became an issue. Literally, It’s attention-seeking disease. People who have this syndrome need an ”attention“, and they looking for attention at the SNS. So they do extremely dangerous or weird things more and more to get an attention. And sometimes it goes to tragedy (I attached interesting short clip for this at the bottom). To them, the more likes and followers they get, the higher self-esteem they get. I think these things are coming from bullying or social isoloation. So we need to care about them and consider this phenomenon as a social problem.

    [HIT] 글로벌 정보쇼 세계인 - 디지털 관심병, 인터넷 '뮌하우젠 증후군'.20150530

    Lacey Spears: Mom Found Guilty of Poisoning Son With Salt Water
    Mar 2, 2015,

    1. I agree with that this phenomenon is a serious social problem with such widespread Internet access. Sometimes, attention-seeking disease people that you mentioned are misused SNS as a tool to spread incorrect or bad rumors about various things for their own satisfaction. They don't seem to recognize that is a immature behavior. I think educating people(especially young students) is in need of to bring good ethics and to create a sound online culture.

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    3. This is why I quit facebook. One day, I found myself being addicted to facebook. I could not stop looking at the facebook during my exam week. But the more serious problem that we should face is what you mentioned on your main post. I think It is okay to look at one's SNS or updates. But as there are so many people who pays attention to SNS, people who have problem being sociable and who became an outsider in their community, they want to get attention by doing dangergous stuffs or something that is sensational which can lead to one's death. They use online friends because it is more comfortable and they do not have to see each other. How should we solve this? We cannot shut down all the SNS. I really have no idea how we can solve this serious problem. Does anyone have a good idea?

    4. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
      One such negative behavior by revolution of Internet is digital münchausen syndrome. Originally münchausen syndrome by Internet occurs when medically well individuals fake recognized illnesses in virtual environments such as online supporting groups but recently it expands it's extent to whom looking for attention at online. What is particularly worrying is the ease with which the deception can be carried out online, the difficulty in detection and the damaging effect and potential danger to isolated victims. How should we deal with these people?

    5. I myself, am very addicted to SNS, so I do agree with you that addiction to SNS and craving attention online is one serious problem. I also hate people who shares wrong information on SNS to get attention from numerous SNS users. However, I think this is a side effect of internet. Internet has been very useful to us, and also has been providing many opportunities to communicate online. Therefore, this over-usage of internet it producing these kinds of side effects. I'm not sure about how to cure these side effects, but I think only cure for those who have this syndrome you'r talking about should be cared by psychiatrists.

    6. I also feel uncomfortable when I see some of my friends seems like to get attation on SNS by doing some weired things. Those kinds of person usually don't satisfy with their reality so they use SNS like a shelter to find their identity. They decorate facts and sometimes tell a lie to get attation. I always feel pity to them. But I don't want to say they are wrong and need to be cured. I just hope people sometimes turn off their smart phone and communicate. We need to escape from a hectic life and listen to other people and see each others eyes. We all responsible to münchausen syndrome.

    7. Thank you for attention to my main post. I am really interested in you guys opinion. As I mentioned, I don’t like attention-seeking behaviors in SNS. But frankly, I cannot get out of SNS. I do want to get out of SNS, but it’s really hard. So I think Da-ye’s determination is very good.
      Few days ago, I saw interesting campaign on Facebook. It says, “What I going to do is change the Facebook that is fulled of negative and inappropriate images by posting cute baby animals picture. If you Like on this post, I will recommend you another baby animal.” Many people joined this campaign and it was very interesting. And I am glad that there are many people who want to change SNS’s side effect.

    8. I get annoyed sometimes when I see videos or read posts that are uploaded by people who don't need attention but are asking for it. Since SNS is a society where anyone can join in on, I believe it can be damaging. However, I don't think anyone really should judge what people post on their own SNS blogs and sites because they're doing what they want to do. Like Elly said, maybe they can find their identity or self-esteem through SNS.

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    10. I think all the people who use SNS have that symptom wheather strong or weak. First function of Social network service is to tell our think or situation and receive other's attention. But when these kind of mind goes bigger and bigger, it can harm other people. So we'd better to accept ourself for who we are and love ourself.

  17. In America, there is always an issue about should parents let their kids get educated in school or in home. There is no answer for this issure that i just mentioned. Usually in America, parents who do not send their kids to school are wealthy or in elite family. When i was in America, I met one family who educate their children at home. Kids' parents said they do not trust public schoo. The reason that they do not trust school is because schools and teachers cannot take care of all kids closely. Another reason is there are so many kids who do not behave and the parents think that bad behavior from kids can influence to their own kids. So what i want to know from you all is if you are parents, would you let you kids get educated in school or in home? And what is the benefit and weaknesses of each education?

    1. 김은영, Jessie, 201331129
      More and more parents are taking up homeschooling nowadays and this method of educating is widely accepted. However I'd rather let my kids get educated in school. The biggest reason is it could lead lack of social development. Learning to make friends and exist within a group are important lessons that children could miss out through homeschooling. Even not learning how to properly interact within a group can sometimes result in social and behavioral issues. Children may demand personal attention by acting out or become socially awkward.

    2. I believe that school provides not only education, but place to communicate with other kids. Being social means more than just getting along or hanging out with friends. I think it gives you a little bit of society you'll experience later in the future, so I think school is place to practice for how to endure and adjust into society. Everyone's going to get a job at some point, and if you don't have any experience with working or dealing with other people, it will be unbearable in that job. So if I were rich and had a kid, I would send him or she to the school even though the quality of education could be little low.

    3. Humans are social animal. No one can deny this proposition. Family is the first group of being socialize. It also means family is the smallest and exclusive group to be socialized. It seems like put their child in a small cage. School play an important role in socialization. Even though their are some kids who behave in bad way. There are still some things to be learned. All kinds of people constitute society. Some people are selfish and some people are dogmatic. How to deal with those kinds of person is also an important lesson for children. So I support the idea that children should be edcated in school.

    4. I think school could be a mini-society or pre-society. In the school, kids learn not only knowledge from textbook, but can learn how to live, such as art of living, how to communicate well with people. For example, School trip or school picnic can make a good memories to students. I have many interesting memories of school trip from my school life. If there is a bad student in school, most students realize what the bad thing is, and if there is a good students, most students want to be like them. Like this, there are a lot of things that we can learn in school.

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  20. 201231750 민선주
    These days news about homosexual marriage is coming up often. It means it is time to discuss and accept homosexuality in our society. Few years ago, one celebrity did "coming out" through the media. It was the first time who admit oneself as a homosexual. People were shocked and that celebrity couldn't be on a TV for several years. Our society is defensive to homosexuality. It was a tabbo subject. No one was ready to talk about it and accept that problem. Now a days people try to let out voice about homosexual. Some people even claim for legalize gay marriage. It still has many obstacles to overcome. But I want to support their right as a human being. They didn't choose thier sexual identity. They just born that way and it should be respected. I hope our society being more mature to accept diversity of sexuality. And we should not forget it is about love. There is no bad or good love. It is natural instinct of human being. So, what do you think about gay marriage?

    1. Sorry I forgot to put my Korean name on the post!

    2. Frankly speaking, I’m not open minded for gay marriage. I tried to understand them, but it’s bit weird to me. The homosexual really want to have baby. So there is a new word for this phenomenon, gayby boom(gay+baby boom). If they need kid, gay couple rental a womb and lesbian couple adopt a baby. Then the baby will have two fathers or two mothers. I think it’s selfish choice. Kids don’t have any choice to choose their parents. I think kids need father, mother both. It could be really confused to kids. However, there are lots of gay and lesbian couple in our society. They got married on their own way and live together. But, If one of them get sick and need surgery, last of them cannot sign on surgery consent form. because they are not family, they are just roommate, technically. I watched a documentary about this story. So I don’t agree with gay marriage, but I think minimum social care and systems for gay couples are need.

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    4. Nowadays some homosexual celebrity and lots of homosexual supporters are arguing for their right. I'm not a homophobia and a don't have any offensive opinion to them, but when I see  that homosexual and their supporters attack people who have opposite view, it makes me a homophobia. They drive people who have opposite view as psychopass and they trying to take their social stand. There is no truth in this case. Homosexual and opposite have their own opinion.
